Ciao Bella ©2012StevenPaulWhitsitt_Photography
The North Carolina CowParade is a public art exhibit that was featured from August-December 2012 within the triad area of Chapel Hill, Raleigh and Durham. At the closing of the parade, there will be an auction. All proceeds from the auction will benefit the North Carolina Children’s Hospital. Each artist participating was provided a life size cow (8′ long and 5′ high and weighing approx. 125 lb.) to utilize as a canvas.
This project began as a collaboration with my former studio-mate, Suzy Hannon. We proposed a design to promote breast cancer awareness. We focused on a specific breed, the Belted Galloway cow due to it’s large single band or stripe in the center of it’s body. The band around it’s belly allows for the cow to be easily detected which symbolizes the idea of promoting more awareness and early on detection for women. This project was dedicated to my best friend’s mother, Trudy Green, who is now a two year breast cancer survivor.
To read more about the project on the North Carolina CowParade site click here.